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A Graceful Farewell - 4 part Seminar

Put Your Affairs In Order, It Just Might Save the Day                       

A participant in a past class lost their beloved partner. It was unexpected. Because she took my class, she had all the information she needed right at her fingertips. She was able to make the necessary calls and arrangements and find paperwork needed to carry out specific actions related to her situation. She said she could not imagine the stress, unease and confusion that would have occurred if she were not prepared. That is the gift of putting your affairs in order.

The Mendocino Coast District Hospital is sponsoring another seminar that will guide participants to note, locate and clarify life's information, situations and issues. The seminar will be held on the following Wednesday’s from 6 to 8pm: October 28th, November 11th and 18th and December 2nd. We will meet in the Redwood Room at the hospital campus. A local attorney will speak about estate planning. You will have many opportunities to complete the book: A Graceful Farewell: Putting Your Affairs in Order. We will also complete an advanced directive for health care. 

If you want to participate in this seminar, please contact the presenter, Maggie Watson, at 397-1655 or e-mail The fee for the 4-part Seminar is $85 per person. A partner can join you for $125 for both of you. Prior registration is required to hold your space. You will need to bring the book which can be purchased at all the local books stores, Zo’s Copy, and Racines.

Toni who took the class 2 years ago has this to say about the seminar: “The Graceful Farewell class given by Maggie Watson is one of the most useful and productive classes I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken many classes over my adult life.  Using class time to begin completing her very comprehensive and extremely well organized book, made it possible to actually do the thinking, planning and collecting of information that I’d been wanting to get to for several years.”