5 Most Important Things You Can Do Now That Will Matter Most Later

1. Get comfortable about thinking about dying and death and what it will mean to you and your loved ones.

 ~ Pay attention to others dying process and death

 ~ Listen for what matters to you in their dying

 ~ Discuss your thoughts with friends, family, others


2. Keep your legal Estate Documents up to date and accurate

~ Trust, will, POA for $, Advance Directive, Medical Releases (HIPAA), POLST, other relevant documents

~ Review docs annually and revise every 5 years (if needed)

~ Talk to family about what your plans are and who plays a role. If you think there will be complications, consider utilizing a fiduciary as a neutral, independent professional.


3. Locate and note down – possessions, valuables, assets, the stuff of life

~ Put a house book together for each property you own - see next blog for info about what a house book is. 

~ Valuable antiques, jewelry, art, etc. can be photographed, described - include appraisals, receipts, and who the item will go to

~ Give stuff away while you can enjoy others enjoying it

~ Create a list of items to give away and to whom & update


4. Get comfortable talking about End of Life wishes and after death wishes with family, friends, people who will be involved.           

~ Tell your hopes and intention, wishes and wants

~ Ask for input and questions - These are YOUR decisions though!

~ Decide if you want funeral, memorial, cremation, burial, home funeral

 ~ Find out who does what in your community and note info.           

 ~ Make arrangements and pay, if appropriate, if you are elder, ill, etc.


5. Think about how to make the process easier on those who will do the work

~ Look at your life and think about what all would need to be done

~ Consolidate and give away

~ Think about if you become incapacitated: what needs to be done, where do you want to live, who will make decisions. Ensure proper documents are in place.

Then go and enjoy life with a lighter step and the knowledge that you have done what you could.