The Book: A Graceful Farewell


Please note: the interactive PDF that comes with the printed version of the book is available on the Free PDF page. Please consult page 3 of the book for the page and file password.

Maggie wrote this book after watching a friend go through the process of dealing with an estate that had instructions and guidance. She noticed the ease her friend had in locating important papers, making decisions and carrying out the wishes of the deceased, while grieving. It was a true gift.

As a professional organizer working to keep elders independent in their homes, Maggie found many people desired a way to make the process after death easier for their children who would act as trustor or executor. A Graceful Farewell: Putting Your Affairs in Order comes from this experience and from Maggie’s completing 4 estates.

A Graceful Farewell: Putting Your Affairs in Order offers an easy way to record the information your loved ones will need if you are incapacitated or gone. Included in the book are sections on personal and financial information, as well as insurance, business, and your final wishes. Maggie realized that handling an estate is more than the legal paperwork. Being confident about finding crucial information, knowing what to do with personal belongings, and having instructions on final disposition are all included in the book. It is in workbook format necessitating filling in the applicable details. It has perforated pages and three-hole punch for easy transfer to a binder. You can also download the worksheets and complete the book on your computer. This makes for easy updating.